by Susan Denisi | Jan 1, 2024 | Plumbing System, Drain, Garbage Disposal, Leaks, Maintenance, Plumbing Practices, Water Heater, Water Pressure
As we step into the New Year, this is a time that many use to form their own New Year’s resolutions to better different aspects of their lives. As your local plumbing company, we are here to remind you that you can also set new resolutions for better plumbing...
by Susan Denisi | Sep 1, 2023 | New Build, Credentials, Emergency Services, License, Plumber, Plumbing System
So, you’ve been dreaming about building your dream house for ages, and the time has finally come to turn that dream into reality! That’s a pretty big deal and super exciting, so congratulations! There are a lot of fun aspects about getting to build your...
by Susan Denisi | Aug 14, 2023 | Plumbing, Drain, Leaks, Maintenance History, Maintenance Records, Pipes, Plumbing Inspection, Plumbing System, Water Damage, Water Heater, Water Line, Water Pressure, Water Stain
If you are currently in the process of searching for your next home to live in, you are likely already aware of how buying a house can be a thrilling task. While it is true that it can be exciting, it can also be daunting. There are various factors to mull over and...
by Susan Denisi | Mar 1, 2023 | New Albany, Faucet, Leak, Plumbing System, Seasonal Change, Shutoff Valve, Sink, Spring, Sprinkler, Sump Pump, Toilet, Transition, Water Hose
At New Albany Plumbing & Drain, we always strive to help our customers be ready for any and all seasonal transitions. With spring’s warmer weather on its way, it is imperative that your plumbing system is also prepared for these temperature shifts! To ensure...